Trains from all over China arrive at Guilin (South), Guilin North, Guilin West, Yangshuo (Xingping) and Gongcheng train stations.
Yangshuo (Xingping) and Gongcheng are nearest but not many trains stop at these stations. There are public transport options from each of these stations or you could have your hotel send a car to meet you on arrival at any of these train stations.
Guilin North has the most train arrivals and departures. However, there is no direct public transport connection with Yangshuo
Guilin Station
Also known as Guilin South train station, is located in the downtown area of Guilin.
From the station forecourt, there are regular local buses to Yangshuo. The current price is 25 Yuan per person. The drive takes around an hour and a half and the final stop is Yangshuo's bus staion.
Guilin North Station
Located in the north of Guilin, you would need to get to Guilin's bus station in order to catch a bus to Yangshuo. You can take a taxi to the bus station or bus 99 (2 Yuan per person). Express buses leave the bus station on a regular basis and cost 27 Yuan per person. These buses terminate at Yangshuo's bus station.
You could also go to Guilin's 'south' train station from where you can get a local bus to Yangshuo.
Guilin West Station
This train station is the furthest train station from Yangshuo and has very poor public transport connections
You can either have your Yangshuo hotel send a car with a driver to pick you up, or you could take a Guilin taxi to Guilin's bus station and then take a bus to Yangshuo
Yangshuo (Xingping) Train Station
Even though this station is called the 'Yangshuo' train station, it is actually located outside the town of Xingping and about a one hour drive from Yangshuo
Regular express buses depart from the train station and arrive into Yangshuo about an hour later. Cost is 25 Yuan per person. The bus terminates at it's own special 'bus station' in the southern part of Yangshuo. Taxis are a little bit rare at this station. You can take local bus #12 from here which goes into Yangshuo's downtown. The cost is 1 Yuan per person, exact money only.
While not many trains stop here, it is still a very good option if you want to visit Yangshuo as it is only a one hour drive to Yangshuo from here if you have your hotel send a car to meet you.
There are no direct buses from Gongcheng's train station to Yangshuo. You would need to take a taxi into Gongcheng and then take a local bus to Yangshuo. Cost is 20 Yuan per person.